Archive of stories published by Back of the Envelope

Mint, Thrive, and the Business of Personal Finance Management Tools

Mint, Thrive, Cake, Yodlee, Quicken Online, Buxfer, Geezeo, Wesabe, and Moneytrackin’.

These are just a few of the many companies in the crowded field of web apps for personal finance…

The Three Types of ‘Computer’ People

(This post was also published on Business Insider)

There are three types of programmers.

Nope, this isn’t the beginning of a joke about binary numbers, I promise! Instead it’s the conclusion I reached after a great…

FriendsList is dead (but we’re very much alive!)

As you may know, Benny and I have killed off Friendslist and refocused our efforts on 4SquareAnd7yearsAgo/Timehop. The Friendslist product was live for about 6 months. In that time we disproved our core hypothesis: that we can compel people to…

Friendslist Chapter 8

[continued from chapter 7]

Our next shot is a product called OpportunityInbox and it’s essentially twitter for opportunities.

We invite about 20 people to try it, but most just don’t have anything to post. One of the funded TechStars teams…

The Friendslist Story [Chapter 2]

[continued from chapter 1] …so we had a concept for a ‘build your own craigslist’ that would take over the world. After talking through the concept in detail with a few trusted friends and advisors, there was only one thing left to do: actually build something.

These were the top 10 stories published by Back of the Envelope; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2016.