Top Stories published by Back of the Envelope in 2011

FriendsList is dead (but we’re very much alive!)

As you may know, Benny and I have killed off Friendslist and refocused our efforts on 4SquareAnd7yearsAgo/Timehop. The Friendslist product was live for about 6 months. In that time we disproved our core hypothesis: that we can compel people to…

The Friendslist Story [Chapter 2]

[continued from chapter 1] …so we had a concept for a ‘build your own craigslist’ that would take over the world. After talking through the concept in detail with a few trusted friends and advisors, there was only one thing left to do: actually build something.

The Friendslist Story [Chapter 3]

[continued from chapter 2]

“Sa-ke Bomb! Sa-ke Bomb!” shouted the coeds at Miyake, a popular Stanford hangout. I poked at my sushi and tried to not think about the news that would arrive any second. Finally my pocket vibrated. “I’m sorry to say…

DoubleDub: A Dream Come True

Today a long time dream is coming true: I’m getting the chance to work together on a new venture with Benny Wong. And I couldn’t be more excited about it!

If this were a movie, I’d tell you about the day I first met Benny…how we randomly struck up a…

Thoughts on SwipeGood

SwipeGood is a Y-combinator startup that rounds up your debit or credit card purchases to the nearest dollar and allows you to donate the difference to the charity of your choice. It’s a very simple but powerful concept and I’m excited to see where the team takes it.

Back of the Envelope
Jonathan Wegener’s Technology/Marketing Blog
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